Monday, April 8, 2013

Organizing Work Materials

Working from home can be a true commutes, more family time, more flexibility...but it can also mean a lot of extra "stuff" in your home that might not otherwise accumulate.  What do you do with all of it?

I recently worked with a client who is a Corporate Trainer for a living.  When she isn't traveling, she works from home.  Thus, all of her training material has to be kept in her basement.  Now, we weren't talking a banker's box worth of materials...we were talking binders upon binders upon bags upon boxes of stuff that littered her basement and left her feeling overwhelmed.  Because she didn't have an organizational strategy for housing her materials, she would end up searching for the ones she needed for a class for an unnecessary amount of time and would just throw them on the floor of her basement when she was done with them.  This was not a great plan for helping her reduce stress and maximize efficiency.

This client was working with a small budget, so we decided to repurpose some organizing tools she had in her house already.  We also bought an inexpensive, ugly grey filing cabinet on Craigslist and I revamped it to suit her tastes.  We determined a strategy for organizing her training materials - binders that weren't used often went on a bookshelf, training modules that required a lot of material stayed housed in the company training bags and put on a shelf, and smaller, frequently used materials were bagged and filed in the filing cabinet for easy retrieval.  It all fit in one closet in her basement and everything became a cinch to access and put back in no time at all.

My client said "You created organization heaven out of my trainer material hell!"  I was happy to help and even happier that she reports less stress and loves how easy it is to take out and put back her materials after a long business trip.

What about your work materials?  Do they cause stress or help you be effective?  Have you figured out a system that works for your day-to-day needs?  I'm always a phone call away if you aren't quite there yet!

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